Be Well with Bella Mentorship

My passion is in working people on all interrelated aspects of their life and well-being, finding the unique path to vitality, pleasurable wellness, and a passion for living. While I have many certifications & degrees, in my work I follow my own Sensefulness Method for activating body’s sensorial wisdom, self-awareness & embodiment.  This unique interdisciplinary approach was born in Brazil, inspired by the Afro-Brazilian traditions that celebrate life on earth as the culmination of our spiritual embodiment, based on the latest research in

  • behavioral change & positive psychology

  • nutritional sciences & fitness

  • physiology & epigenetics

  • neurolinguistic programming (NLP)

  • sexual sciences & manifestation techniques

A native Armenian, I left my war-ridden post-Soviet motherland in search a better life. Falling sick in my early twenties with a disease conventional medicine could not cure, I embarked on a self-healing journey, culminating in a powerful healing. The experience has inspired me to dedicate my life to empowering people to heal from ailments by embodying a more authentic & aligned way living & well-being. Pursuing my dream, I moved to Rio de Janeiro to become the Founder of the Imbody Wellness Institute (@imbodywellness) and a leader in the Pleasurable Wellness Movement.

I hold a BA in behavioral psychology from UCLA and a master’s in international health policy & economics from the Johns Hopkins University.  Throughout the years, I’ve supported many individuals as a certified Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Fitness Professional (AFPA, NCCPT, Apex-Fitness), contributed to populational behavioral change as an adviser to international institutions for disease prevention.  As a singer & dancer, I love incorporating body & sound into my practice together with energy-healing modalities I’ve acquired, including Jikiden Reiki, Neurolinguistic Programming,  Access Consciousness, and Pranic Healing

Body, Mind, Consciousness.

In my work with individuals, I follow the Sensefulness method to engage body-mind-energy in awakening the inherent blueprint for thriving to:

  • heal the physical body with self-awareness & healthy living habits

  • dismante mental blocks & unhepful stories with behavioral change & NLP

  • reactivate the energy body with Breathwork & somatic healing practices to help create one unified journey of Pleasurable Wellness.

With this integrative perspective, using powerful biohacks , you will see rapid transformations in health, relationships, finding purpose and passion in everything you do.

Biohacks & Longevity

- Behavioral Change

- Reprogramming Limiting beliefs;

- Embodiment & Somatic Healing

- Healthy Living & SelfCare ,

- Meditation and Self-Awareness;

- Breathwork & Sexual Activation.

A New way!

Let’s redefine what it means to be healthy together!